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Showing posts from September, 2018

To Our Halawa Ohana & Friends

We take a great deal of pride in providing the very best service at the most competitive prices. Recently, many of our manufacturers have announced price increases that cover the broadest range of products. These changes are being felt by all sellers of office products and furniture.  As a result, we must suspend our Halawa Neighbor Discount effective Monday, October 1, 2018. Over the past year, our industry has experienced pricing pressures for a variety of reasons that include: • The Trump administration tariffs have negatively impacted pricing across many of our brands forcing manufacturers and vendors to increase their pricing to distributors. • Increased fuel and energy prices have added to the cost of transporting goods. • Plastics used for many desk accessories, sheet protectors and binders have increased due to higher energy cost and tariffs. • Steel prices have increased due to retaliatory tariffs. • Paper pulp has seen multiple increases. This affects many products inclu...